FREEDOM HOUSE ci classifica come paese
PARZIALMENTE LIBERO per quanto riguarda la
LIBERTA' DI INFORMAZIONE, con il punteggio di
32/100 siamo in 73esima posizione con Tonga! Pensate che con un punteggio di 30/100 saremmo stati classificati "liberi"...
Nel 2007-2008 avevamo 29 punti quindi eravamo liberi.
Nel 2005-2006 abbiamo raggiunto il nostro record (negativo): 35 punti (parzialmente liberi).
Nel 2004: 33 punti (parzialmente liberi).
Nel 2003: fummo liberi con 28 punti.
Nel 2002: fummo ancora liberi con 27 punti.
Così tanto per diritto di cronaca vediamo gli ultimi nostri presidenti del consiglio:
dall'8 maggio 2008 ad oggi: Berlusconi
dal 17 maggio 2006 all'8 maggio 2008: Prodi
dall'11 giugno 2001 al 17 maggio 2006: Berlusconi
Guarda caso, siamo stati "liberi" proprio in quell'intervallo di tempo in cui Silvio non era sul trono...
di seguito i Criteri utilizzati per l'assegnazione del punteggio:
1. Do the constitution or other basic laws contain provisions designed to protect freedom of the press and of expression, and are they enforced? (0–6 points)
2. Do the penal code, security laws, or any other laws restrict reporting, and are journalists punished under these laws? (0–6 points)
3. Are there penalties for libeling officials or the state, and are they enforced? (0–3 points)
4. Is the judiciary independent, and do courts judge cases concerning the media impartially? (0–3 points)
5. Is freedom of information legislation in place, and are journalists able to make use of it? (0–2 points)
6. Can individuals or business entities legally establish and operate private media outlets without undue interference? (0–4 points)
7. Are media regulatory bodies, such as a broadcasting authority or national press or communications council, able to operate freely and independently? (0–2 points)
8. Is there freedom to become a journalist and to practice journalism, and can professional groups freely support journalists’ rights and interests? (0–4 points)
1. To what extent are media outlets’ news and information content determined by the government or a particular partisan interest? (0–10 points)
2. Is access to official or unofficial sources generally controlled? (0–2 points)
3. Is there official or unofficial censorship? (0–4 points)
4. Do journalists practice self-censorship? (0–4 points)
5. Do people have access to media coverage that is robust and reflects a diversity of viewpoints? (0–4 points)
6. Are both local and foreign journalists able to cover the news freely? (0–6 points)
7. Are journalists or media outlets subject to extralegal intimidation or physical violence by state authorities or any other actor? (0–10 points)
1. To what extent are media owned or controlled by the government, and does this influence their diversity of views? (0–6 points)
2. Is media ownership transparent, thus allowing consumers to judge the impartiality of the news? (0–3 points)
3. Is media ownership highly concentrated, and does it influence diversity of content? (0–3 points)
4. Are there restrictions on the means of journalistic production and distribution? (0–4 points)
5. Are there high costs associated with the establishment and operation of media outlets? (0–4 points)
6. Do the state or other actors try to control the media through allocation of advertising or subsidies? (0–3 points)
7. Do journalists receive payment from private or public sources whose design is to influence their journalistic content? (0–3 points)
8. Does the economic situation in a country accentuate media dependency on the state, political parties, big business, or other influential political actors for funding? (0–4 points)
Status: Free (0–30)/Partly Free (31–60)/Not Free (61–100)
Legal Environment: 0–30 points
Political Environment: 0–40 points
Economic Environment: 0–30 points
Total Score: 0–100 points